A bright entrepreneur had a brilliant idea to speed up the hiring process. By setting deadlines for employers to confirm or reject potential candidates, and a deadline for the candidate to accept or reject the opportunity, the process could be streamlined.
With the intention of providing a platform for numerous employers and job seekers to meet, he recalled the Marathi term for fair, 'Jatra'. And, it seemed fitting to him that the new service be named "Job Jatra".
JobJatra provides a platform that connects candidates with employers in a mutually beneficial exchange, allowing them to give feedback to each other and take their relationship further. If the feedback is positive, it will lead to joy and happiness, but if it comes with areas for improvement, the result will be learning and hope for the future.
What makes JJ distinct from a Job Site is that, in a Job Site, there is no fixed timeframe for applying for jobs and no closing date for applications. In contrast, JJ enables job aspirants and entrepreneurs to plan their next move as the results will be published on a certain date. Moreover, it offers the chance to collaborate with others, gain constructive criticism, or be presented with a realistic situation.
Parentage : About Bwise - Bwise is a professionally operated recruitment firm which is serving the recruitment industry with its unique approach for 5 years , Bwise always believe in Win - Win relationship with all its stakeholders and mission to ease recruitment process with minimal cost .